

Biovessel Thumbnail

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A game made in 96 hours for the GMTK Game Jam 2024. It is my first project that I made in Godot, after only ever using Unity for games in the past. I worked on pretty much all of the code, with most of the graphics being done by YoruVII and audio by mMonolith.

This year, the theme was "Built to Scale". We had a variety of ideas for resizing the player, mountain climbing, controling a car by moving around gears, and various others. Eventually, we settled on the idea that you build a ship, which scales in size after every round. It can also be thought that you have to build the ship in a way that's scalable, as any tiles you place will remain after each round.

I also made a trailer for this game, and a compilation of some of the development clips I recorded:

👽 Biovessel 🚀

You are an alien parasite that endlessly consumes an ever-expanding ship. Build, Survive, Evolve, Destroy.


  • Full tile-based ship building
  • Physics-based controls where every ship part matters
  • Fully destructible ships
  • Endless progressively more difficult round, with your ship growing each time
  • Unlock new weapons, from basic guns, to homing missiles and laser turrets
  • Original 3D models, graphics and audio made for this jam
  • Survive, destroy your enemies, and post your high score!